Sunday, September 21, 2008

After a long hiatus (abandonment?) I'm back! I moved into a new apartment and have been desperate to bake and cook - actually, mostly to bake. This is largely a product of the cool weather, allowing me to turn on the oven without suffocating myself and incurring the wrath of my roommates. The first thing I baked in my new oven, in the new fall weather, were these Flaky Sesame Rolls (Tahinli) from the blog Desert Candy. I didn't realize they would so carefully walk the line between sweet and savory. I think in the future I would increase the sugar content and make them unabashedly sweet and sticky, or increase the tahini, salt, and olive oil and strive for something reminiscent of City Bakery's pretzel croissant. I used white whole wheat flour instead of all purpose. Also, I bought Sahadi brand tahini which I would not do again - I think it's bitter.

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